Family: The Daughter's cuteness

>> Monday, June 04, 2007

We got a lot of daughter-time in this weekend; whether it was swimming in the neighborhood pool (which was kept amazingly warm - apparently last summer they didn't have the heaters running hardly at all) or playing with her at a park, she kept us busy.  I absolutely love it how she takes "ownership" of the playground and invites us into her kitchen so she can cook spaghetti for us, or she retires to her bedroom to take a nap.  Amazingly cute.

We had a near-horrible tumble at the roadside park, though; an old-style "safety" swing (one with a hard back and a chain for keeping the child in) tipped as she leaned forward while swinging back and she wound up upside-down and screaming/crying.  Fortunately there were no bruises, but it was enough to send us home immediately.


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